At last year’s newsletter I rejoiced in my newfound status as an empty nester.  Little did I know the contagion of departures would spread beyond the family, -2019, anno exitus.  It was a year of many departures.  No, Theresa isn’t among the departures, thank God, though she does go out of town a lot more than she used to.  I think this year’s experience might have been a little like that tv show, THE VIEW, which I’ve never watched.  My understanding is that the array of hosts is in a constant state of flux, and sometimes the change-ups are enough to give the show an entirely different feel.  At some point you gotta think one of the remaining hosts looked around and thought, ‘I don’t know what show I am on today.’  I am just saying I know a little bit of what that feels like.  It is not all bad.  It’s a chance to get to know some new people.  I try to think of myself as a ‘camera-man’ to it all.

Beyond a slight feeling of being off balance it was a good year.  I turned fifty, -the fiddy, -the Hawaii-five-oh, -the big half dollar.  We went to Maine to celebrate and visit a couple of my childhood homes from the mid 1970s.  That was a great experience, and…zero flashbacks, so y’know…a win.  I don’t know about other people who reach that milestone, but I embraced mine.  -And why not?!   When I was in my mid-twenties I looked out to the horizon, unable to appreciate the present, and hoped to have much of what is my life today.  Besides I feel better at 50 than I did at 35 by a long shot (I’ve cut way back on carbs).  So?!…enjoy it, Gilmartin!  “Remove the water at the bottom of the ocean.”  I should have a prize for anyone who can identify the source of the quote without using google. 

The Maine sidewalk where I rode my bike 1974-1977

The kids?  Y’know they are getting old enough now I am going to need to request a Christmas newsletter from them if I am going to have any hope of successfully conveying their status.  Emerson, -engineering student here in town, -steady girlfriend who seems really nice, -good job at an engineering firm.  Keagan, -away at school in Oregon, -away at school, -away at school.  Did I mention she is away at school?  I handwrite her a letter every week just to blow her millennial mind.  I throw in an occasional line in cursive to train her up and really get that chain wrapped around the axle cuz…that’s what dads do.  The kids come home to eat my vittles and borrow my car.  ‘Dad’, I think for them, is this weird, old guy they let spill out in stories at college parties in a ‘Dude, he’s soooo weird’ way, and I am okay with that.  If in the story I come off something like Charlie’s father in the movie SO I MARRIED AN AXE MURDERER, I figure I am doing alright.  Both of my kids are first class human beings.  I am very proud of them and live in constant envy of where they are at with themselves at their age.

Theresa travels for business now.  It’s supposed to be only 20% of the time, but it feels like 50% (y’know it might be 50%).  My new thing when she is out of town is going to movies by myself.  I never before felt comfortable doing that, but it is growing on me.  Weeknight movies afford you the best seat in the house.  I sit there with my two-three bags of popcorn (no butter) and enjoy having the whole row to myself.  It’s kinda my cheat night carb-wise.  I’m kinda hoping it does not catch on cuz Matt likes to stretch out.

At the time of this writing, I am standing on just under 4200 cycling miles for the year. I think I will wrap up around 44-4500.  I’ve done better.  I always start out shooting for 5k, but what I have is not too shabby.  I got in a lot of audiobooks in on the back of the bike.  It has been a cold year, and it’s been a record year for the number of miles indoors on the trainer which is not my favorite way to rack up miles.  -But as the folks from my weekly spin class can probably tell you, I have the legs of a god! I wanna be like those Olympic speed skaters where their assistants risk knocking themselves unconscious trying to get the tights on over my thighs, -mmmm dreams.  I did have a very enjoyable solo 400-mile-long ride in the northwest corner of Colorado.  I even biked to Wyoming where I got buzzed by a bald eagle and broke my personal descent record off Rabbit Ears Pass.  -Pretty sure I broke the speed limit, so I am not going to incriminate myself with a number here, but suffice it to say it would be a pants sh–ting speed for most people on a bike.  I told myself ‘once was enough’, but I am not going to lie, I catch myself thinking about doing it again…with more vigor and verve.

-Stellar year for hunting.  I took my first deer with a bow (that was really cool by the way).  Andrew E. and I had a mission perfect antelope hunt, and elk…weeee-ell…y’know it’s always good to get out of the house.  We had fun.  We’ll go back.  Solitude at 13,000 feet above sea level is a pretty cool feeling.  We were well off the beaten path and had a great time though I think we both got a little grumpy from being oxygen starved.  It’s okay.  We bounced back and we’re good.  Andrew is a good sport.

I have no idea what 2020 holds other than my hernia surgery.  Yup, I’m about as close to pregnant as I am ever gonna get.  I hope everyone is doing great!
